Liberalism. Looking for Freedom, Justice, Better Man, and the World

  • Daniel Dobiaš Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University In Košice
Keywords: Liberalism, freedom, rationalism, the idea of moral will


The ideas of dignity, freedom, and moral will supported by the power of human reason represent the essential nucleus of the desire to be recognized as a human being in the intellectual tradition of Europe. The synthesis of the spiritual horizon of moral qualities and rational consciousness with the elements of an antique (Roman) republic, emancipation of oppositional ideas towards royal absolutism, defence of religious tolerance, and freedom of faith, J. Locke's political philosophy, and A. Smith's modern economic theory has gradually acquired a systematic form of conscious effort in constitution social reality with man as an autonomous, morally responsible being, seeking to realize (not just) freedom as a natural right. The abovementioned characteristics limit and at the same time allow the reflection of stabilised conceptual structures in the evolution of liberalism, where the individualistic ethos constantly oscillates around the attempts to accept social, moral, and collective identity transcending the individual dimension of existence.


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How to Cite
Dobiaš, D. (2018) “Liberalism. Looking for Freedom, Justice, Better Man, and the World”, Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, 18(2). Available at: (Accessed: 9September2024).