Vol. 12 No. 3 (2012): Slovak Journal of Political Sciences
Ján Stena: The Public and the Political – Concepts Reactivated by the Crisis
Lea Prion: Successfulness of Slovenian Economic Transition?
Jozef Stískala: Party System of Slovak Republic and its Stability after 2010 and 2012 Elections in Comparative Perspective
Macháček, Ladislav : An Introduction to Youth Sociology (2011) (Danka Moravčíková)
Žúborová, Viera et. al.: 20 years of Transformation: Emplacement of Political Communication in the Czech and Slovak Republics (2012) (Juraj Hanuliak)
Tilkidjiev, Nikolai (ed.): Successful Roma (2011) (Siyka Kovacheva)
Kovacheva, Siyka: Work-Family Balance. Young Working Parents between Opportunities and Constraints (2012) (Maya Kelyian)
Bastl, Martin , Mareš, Miroslav , Smolík, Josef , Vejvodová, Petra:Extreme Right and Extreme Left in the Czech Republic (2011) (Filip Sekan)