Participatory Budgeting and Traditional Participation in Czech Municipalities


  • Pavol Minárik The Faculty of Social and Economic Studies of the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic


Participatory budgeting, Political participation, Municipal elections, Voter turnout, Political competition, Czech Republic


As an instrument of smart governance, participatory budgeting has been implemented by several dozen of municipalities in the Czech Republic. This is in line with the trend in many European cities. The paper examines the implementation of participatory budgeting in Czech municipalities. It is observed that participatory budgeting is being implemented in the Czech Republic typically on a very limited scale. The particular aim of this paper is to analyze the relation of participatory budgeting to the traditional political participation in local elections. Following an examination of the extent in which the instrument is implemented in the Czech municipalities, statistical tools are used to relate implementation of participatory budgeting to several measures of traditional political participation, such as voter turnout and intensity of the political competition in municipal elections. The paper concludes that the implementation of participatory budgeting has very little relation to the traditional, electoral participation in the Czech Republic.


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How to Cite

Minárik, P. (2020) “Participatory Budgeting and Traditional Participation in Czech Municipalities”, Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, 20(1). Available at: (Accessed: 4 December 2024).