The U.S.-Asean Relations: an Overview


  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


the United States, ASEAN, partnership, Southeast Asia, cooperation


This paper seeks to explore how the U.S.-ASEAN relations have developed since the early 1990s up to 2017. It will focus on examining the networks of engagement that have affected the development of the U.S.-ASEAN relations across three areas: trade relations, development assistance and security cooperation. Employing archival research and content analysis as the main methodology, the paper will establish evidence to demonstrate that by mutually building effective mechanisms for trade, the United States and ASEAN have fostered their trade relations. Also, the United States have contributed considerably to economic development in ASEAN member states through assistance programs provided by U.S. agencies. Furthermore, it will show that the United States and ASEAN have enhanced their security cooperation that ultimately contributes to maintaining peace and stability in the Southeast Asian region. Building on the progresses of their successful relationship, the U.S.-ASEAN partnership continues to play an increasingly important role in regional and global peace and prosperity.


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How to Cite

Hang, N. T. T. (2018) “The U.S.-Asean Relations: an Overview”, Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, 18(1). Available at: (Accessed: 11 February 2025).