Vol. 18 No. 1 (2018): Slovak Journal of Political Sciences

Ismo Björn, Pirjo Pöllänen, Jarmo Saarti: “We Have Decided to Guarantee the Continuity of the Universities Long-Time Funding”: The Political Rhetoric of the Ministers of Education and the Reform of University Funding During 2005—2015 In Finland
Jarosław Jańczak: The European Council and EU boundaries. (In)formal competences, institutional position and external activities in the context of (de)bordering processes at the time of the immigration crises
Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang: The U.S.-Asean Relations: an Overview
Tomáš Nikodym, Petra Holeňová, Tereza Pušová: Czechoslovak intellectual environment after the second world war
Ľuboš Blaha: Theories of Private Property: Ownership and Social Justice
Duleba, Alexander et al.: Borders and Crossborder Cooperation. Introduction to Border Studies. (Ivana Butoracová Šindleryová)
Dobiašová, Soňa: Idea v Hegelovej politickej filozofii (Idea in Hegel's Political Philosophy) (Jakub Bardovič)
Retracted article
Yevhen Kutsenko: Practices of Manipulation Techniques in 2012 Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine