Vol. 14 No. 3 (2014): Slovak Journal of Political Sciences

István Murányi, Ladislav Macháček: Political knowledge and Participation of the Youth in Two Locations Slovakia and Hungary
Jakub Mlynář: Language and Collective Memory: Insights from Social Theory
Ryszard Czarny: The High North: Opportunities and Barriers of Economic Dimension
Peter Dinuš: Reflections on Capitalism with Regard to the Question of Overcoming it
Lampl, Zsuzsanna: Sociology of Hungarians living in Slovakia (István Fábri)
Caky, Milan: Constantine and Methodius in Political Relationships (Libor Bernát)
Klimovsky, Daniel: Fundamentals of Public Administration (Karol Šebík)
Stefancik, Radoslav (ed.): The right-wing extremism and youth in Slovakia (Alica Nemcová)
Sekerák, Marián: Economic Democracy - History, Theory an Praxis (Veronika Valkovičová)