Vol. 17 No. 1 (2017): Slovak Journal of Political Sciences

Pavel Maškarinec: The Czech Pirate Party in the 2010 and 2013 Parliamentary Elections and the 2014 European Parliament Elections: Spatial Analysis of Voter Support
Viera Žúborová – Ingrid Borarosová: The Myth of the Angry Voters: Parliamentary Election in Slovak Republic
Liudas Mažylis – Ingrida Unikaitė-Jakuntavičienė – Romualdas Povilaitis: Specifics of Communication in Lithuanian Voting Campaigns, 2012-2016
Ivana Miková: Causes of Regionalism. How ASEAN-China FTA Fits the (New) Wave of Regionalism?
Umar Dantani – Peter Nungshak Wika – Abdullahi, Muhammad Maigari: The Politics of Security Deployment of Security Operatives to Jos Metropolis, Plateau State, Nigeria 2001-2014
Mihálik, Jaroslav: Political legacy and youth civic engagement in Slovakia. (Lenka Čurillová)