Lilleker, D.; Coman, I. A.; Gregor, M.; Novelli, E. eds. (2021). Political Communication and Covid-19. Governance and Rhetoric in Times of Crisis
Lilleker, D., Coman, I. A., Gregor, M. and Novelli, E. eds. (2021). Political Communication and Covid-19. Governance and Rhetoric in Times of Crisis. London: Routledge. 372 pp. ISBN 978-0-367-63679-1.
How to Cite
Mihalik, J. (2023) “Lilleker, D.; Coman, I. A.; Gregor, M.; Novelli, E. eds. (2021). Political Communication and Covid-19. Governance and Rhetoric in Times of Crisis”, Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, 23(1), pp. 85-88. doi:
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