Vol. 15 No. 2 (2015): Slovak Journal of Political Sciences

Peter Horváth, Karol Šebík: Voting behavior and municipal elections 2014 in Slovakia
Lucie Chládková, Miroslav Mareš: The Flag Bearer of Slovenian Nationalism Knocked Out? The Rise and Fall of the Slovenian National Party
Egon Prijon, Lea Prijon: Slovenia from the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy until nowadays: A brief historical overview
Patricia Kaplánová, Uroš Pinterič: Political dimension of European constitutionalism
Václav Vybíhal – Miroslava Cedidlová: Fiscal Effectiveness of Investment Incentives and Competition (Zuzana Miháliková)
Věra Malík Holasová: Social work and services quality (Michal Garaj)
Prof. Mgr. Ladislav Macháček, CSc.