Zsolt Horbulák: János Kádár as an Economic Reformist And Gustáv Husák As An Antireformist
Hang Thuy Thi Nguyen: A Historical Review of the Nixon Administration and European Political Cooperation
Jozef Kraus: The Concept of State Terrorism in Relation to Iran
Lukáš Tichý: The EU Integration Discourse in the Energy Relations with Russia
Peter Juza: Political Science of Modern Kazakhstan – Notices to Development of Kazakhstan Political Thinking
Gajdoš, Peter – Moravanská, Katarína: Hodnotenie vývojových zmien v rozvojových disponibilitách a životných podmienkach obcí na Slovensku v období 1990 – 2012. (Mahuliena Sochorová)
Bossong, Raphael: The Evolution of EU Counter-Terrorism (Ondřej Filipec)