Vol. 22 No. 2 (2022): Slovak Journal of Political Sciences (Slovenská politologická revue)

Olha Ryndzak, Oksana Vilchynska: Population’s Mobility Under Pandemic Conditions. Evidence from Ukraine (Lviv Region)
Grzegorz Wilk-Jakubowski, Radosław Harabin, Tomasz Skoczek, Jacek Wilk-Jakubowski: Preparation of the Police in the Field of Counter-terrorism in Opinions of the Independent Counter-terrorist Sub-division of the Regional Police Headquarters in Cracow
Ivana Butoracová Šindleryová, Michal Garaj: The Potential of Using Websites for Communication of Political Parties: The Case of Slovakia Before the 2020 Elections
Jana Kušnírová, Juraj Válek, Juraj Dedinský: National Ecomonic Practicies: Influence of Tax Policies on the Economic Processes of the Old and the New EU Democracies
Michal Ondruška: Changing Patterns in Electoral Behaviour: Electoral Volatility in Hungary and Slovakia
Zizek, S. (2020). Pandemic! COVID-19 Shakes the World. (Made Selly Dwi Suryanti)